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Fr. John Whiteford's site

ROCM home page

St. John Chrysostom - Missouri



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St. Mary of Egypt Orthodox Church - Choir Information

This page has been set up primarily for the use of the choir and clergy of St. Mary of Egypt Orthodox Church in Atlanta, Georgia. Anyone is welcome, however, to use any of the resources found here.

St. Mary's is an English language parish of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. We are located in Roswell, Georgia but draw parishioners from across the Metropolitan Atlanta area.

Prokeimena - Tone 1

My mouth shall speak wisdom

Prokeimena - Tone 3

Great is our Lord and great is His strength
My soul doth magnify the Lord

Prokeimena - Tone 4

Blessed art Thou, O Lord, the God of our fathers
In the saints that are in His earth hath the Lord been wondrous
The righteous cried and Lord heard them
Wondrous is God in His Saints

Prokeimena - Tone 6

Their souls shall dwell among good things

Prokeimena - Tone 7

Exalt ye the Lord our God
For Thy sake, O Lord, we are slain all the day long
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints
The saints shall boast in glory
The righteous man shall be glad in the Lord

Prokeimena - Tone 8

Their sound hath gone forth into all the earth
Rejoice and be glad ye righteous


On Saturday, November 5, 2005, the Liturgy of St. James was celebrated at St. Mary's. In preparation for this service, several pieces that we had available only in Slavonic were converted to English. Some music, chiefly "Let All Mortal Flesh" and "O Taste and See", we already had available as they are found in other services of the church. The Anaphora and the other miscellaneous responses, however, were new to us in English. Much gratitude to Victor Gonchar for providing that music to us!

Let All Mortal Flesh
The Anaphora (A Mercy of Peace)
Miscellaneous Responses (part 1)
Miscellaneous Responses (part 2)
O Taste and See

Paschal Exaposteilarion
Christ is Risen
Thy Resurrection, O Christ Savior  Text only

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